Our Story

About Us

El Paso Academy is an open enrollment school founded in 2000 to educate children left behind by a traditional “one-size-fits-all” education system.

Open enrollment schools, such as El Paso Academy, are free public schools that have the flexibility to adapt to the educational needs of individual students. We offer flexibility in school hours, provide extended instructional time and also offer a wide range of highly individualized curricular options.

Our programs allow the students to work at their own pace, develop strong academic skills, learn individually or in small groups, have access to technology, and use educational software to enhance their learning.

El Paso Academy operates under and receives academic accountability ratings from the Texas Education Agency. To graduate, students must take and pass the required standardized state assessments, have an average grade of 70% in all courses and complete 30 hours of community service.

Our Vision

To provide students the support they need to believe in themselves, achieve their academic goals, and succeed beyond these halls.

Our Mission

El Paso Academy’s mission is to provide students an alternative educational option, varied methods of instruction, and flexible school hours which allow students to work at their own pace, and develop strong academic skills.

Our Philosophy of Teaching

Our Philosophy of Teaching is unique and responsive to the individual needs of its students by identifying the academic strengths and weaknesses of our students.

Independent of Local School Districts

Independent of Local School Districts, El Paso Academy is a non-sectarian and fully accredited school adhering to the Texas Education Agency’s requirements for graduation.


Funding for El Paso Academy’s operating revenue is received from per student tax dollars based on average daily attendance.

Due to charter school funding formulas in Texas, El Paso Academy does not receive the same level of funding than traditional public schools because no local tax revenue is available to charter schools and no state aid is available to cover costs of buildings and facilities. Additional funds are generated through private and corporate donations as well as state and federal grants.

Did you know?

In the last few decades, both the personal and social costs of dropping out of school have increased. This is cost borne by all of us.

Despite having left school, most dropouts recognize that they need further education and expect to acquire it. Since completing a high school education is the best foundation for realizing a secure future, it is crucial that society provide a way to make it possible for all students to get an education.

Nearly two-thirds of the dropouts leave before the tenth grade. About 40 percent of Hispanic students who drop out do so before the eighth grade.

Why Students Drop Out of School

Personal Factors

  • Many dropouts get a job, have a family to support and have trouble managing both work and school.
  • Marital Status and Parenthood – About one-fifth of dropouts are approximately 18 years old and are married, living as married, or divorced. Nearly 40 percent have a child or are expecting one.
  • Attitudes and Expectations – Dropouts tend to believe that they don’t have control of their lives, that chance and luck are important, and that “something” always seems to stop them from getting ahead.

These students need intense attention, such as one-on-one assistance.

School Expectations

  • The majority of dropouts cite their dislike for school in general. Most are failing or can’t keep up with schoolwork. Of dropouts who are enrolled in a general high school program, almost one-fifth are held back a grade, and almost half fail a course. They are most likely to be enrolled in special education or alternative programs offered by traditional public schools.
  • High absenteeism leads to serious loss of school instructional time and discipline problems.

What Are The Consequences?

Income and earning Potential

  • Dropouts, on average, earn about one-third less than high school graduates. With respect to lifetime wages, the gap between dropouts and more educated adults widens steadily as opportunities expand for higher skilled workers and disappear for the less skilled.

Dependency and Crime

  • Dropouts comprise nearly half of the heads of households on welfare and a similar percentage of the prison population.

Be a Partner in Education

  • Business owners and our society at large have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the future of the community. The return on your investment in education is measured in the contribution our graduates will make to the city, year after year.

Help improve El Paso by educating every young citizen

Join us in our goal to give underserved students the opportunity to enrich their lives and contribute to our community. Your tax-exempt donation will help us expand our capabilities to serve an increasing number of children that fall through the cracks of an overburdened system.

Send your tax-exempt donations to our main office at 11000 Argal Ct, El Paso, TX 79935. Or contact Executive Director Sarahi Gross at 915-590-8589 for more information on our community partnership programs.